This autumn provides the perfect opportunity to take a deep dive into The Lasting Difference toolkit with an elearning double bill.

Take a deep dive and reflect with our double bill.
We’re opening up enrolments to our established Practices and Principles course along with our brand new course, The Five Capabilities. If you sign up, you’ll receive access to both courses between 3rd October and 24th December 2022. The courses are packed with interactive content, case studies from the sector and opportunities to reflect. These are supplemented with three one-hour online sessions to come together to share practice with other participants.
Staff, managers and trustees of charities and funders are welcome to join us, creating the valuable time and space to explore, reflect on and share sustainability practices from their own organisation. Places are free; we only ask that you commit enough time to make the experience meaningful (equivalent to around an hour per week, to be done at your own time and pace).
Download our information pack to find out more and contact Jenny via our elearning page to book your place.
“The blend of resources (reading, listening, quizzes, reflection) and experiences (live sessions) on the course have been excellent! It’s really brought the toolkit to life.” (Practices and Principles participant)