Update – semi-retirement

Yesterday was a good day. It’s been a good week. It’s the start of my farewell tour, the semi-tongue-in-cheek way I’m talking about the weeks before my semi-retirement in April. It began with some free 1:1 slots for people who subscribed to my newsletter over the...

Pilgrim – possibly. Progress – definitely.

‘When people go on pilgrimage, they take a break from the everyday. They consciously leave much behind. They flee the hustle and bustle, travelling mostly by foot, opening themselves to new encounters and conversations.’ (Village notice board, Franconia)   I’m...

Welcome to our new symbol holder – SIAA

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance (SIAA) are the latest organisation to have been awarded the Lasting Difference Symbol. SIAA joined us for our programme of online Lasting Difference workshops in 2020. The team have been...

NEW: Sustainable impact guide

Your time and resources are scarce. You want to use them wisely. Focus on what makes an impact. Covid increases the urgency of building capacity, increasing resilience and expanding your reach with limited resources. This is sustainable impact. It’s the heart of...

Who knew? Your guide to managing knowledge better

You know when you study something because it’s interesting, but you’re not sure how relevant it will be? That’s how I felt about knowledge management when I did it as a postgrad back in 2010. At the same time, I had seen that management school...