This website exists to share ideas and resources for sustaining organisations, leaders and their impact.

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Update – semi-retirement

Yesterday was a good day. It’s been a good week. It’s the start of my farewell tour, the semi-tongue-in-cheek way I’m talking about the weeks before my semi-retirement in April. It began with some free 1:1 slots for people who subscribed to my newsletter over the...

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Pilgrim – possibly. Progress – definitely.

‘When people go on pilgrimage, they take a break from the everyday. They consciously leave much behind. They flee the hustle and bustle, travelling mostly by foot, opening themselves to new encounters and conversations.’ (Village notice board, Franconia)   I’m...

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Guided by the Stars – our updated strategy

‘Strategy’ and ‘strategic plan’ are often used synonymously. However there's a difference between them and it helps to be clear on what that is. To paraphrase the rapper KRS-ONE*, a plan is something you have, a strategy is something you live.   Definitions: why...

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Survival and sustainability – HomeStart case study

Making a Lasting Difference programme for the Home-Start federation I've been asked recently to describe a bit more fully how I work. This case study is a fairly typical example of how I work with membership organisations and funders to build their partners' capacity...

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Sustaining change – learning from practice

Every two years we invite inspiring people and partners to join us for a tranquil three-day residential. We share gifts and challenges in a relaxed, trusting environment. This year the focus was on sustaining change. What have we learned from the scale and pace of...

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Sowing seeds for sustainability

Sowing seeds for sustainability This case study shares learning from a recent workshop programme, building sector sustainability with a focus on equalities. Carers Trust is a major UK charity improving support, services and recognition for unpaid carers. With 122...

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Championing voices with ‘Stop it Now!’

We are all part of the system Lasting Difference symbol holder, Stop it Now! Scotland have been developing creative ways to lead system change by championing voices and creating opportunities for collaboration. After all, the sustainability challenges that face our...

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Collaborative commissioning – sharing learning

We've just released the report sharing learning from a collaborative funding programme I've been supporting since 2017. I'm very proud of it, see what you think!  Promoting Variety gives unpaid carers and those they care for access to a wider range of short break...

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Sustaining carer support – case study

This case study shines a light on system leadership: sustaining support for unpaid carers. Short breaks play a critical role in supporting unpaid carers and people in need of care. However, the respite care sector in Scotland faces many challenges that puts both its...

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Lasting Leadership: building sustainable capacity

  In summer 2022, Sacro invited us to develop a bespoke leadership development programme to support their managers and team leaders from across Scotland.   Building leadership capacity Following the launch of their strategic plan Sacro were keen to continue...

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From services to system change

Shelter Scotland has committed to a 10-year strategy designed to transform not just the charity, but the housing system and the country. These ambitious goals are grounded in evidence, backed by actions and clear measures of success to which it – and the wider system...

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Advance? Retreat!

In 2019 we came up with a way to create capacity for people to do the things they never get done. It was so good that after successful pilots and amazing feedback we even trademarked it – Advance Retreats. The idea is simplicity itself – but very powerful. We book a...

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A sense of belonging

Collaborative and inclusive strategy development Health in Mind recently invited us to support a collaborative approach to the development of their new strategic plan for 2023-2028. The process - and end product - are great examples of sustainable strategy in action....

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Shaping organisational and system change

The power of collaborative learning and commissioning Future Pathways recently invited us to facilitate a six-month Action Learning Programme, involving delivery partner organisations and Future Pathways’ team members. Here is the learning that emerged: an example of...

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Sustainable Funding with the Gannochy Trust

How can funders best support charities? Is funding enough or should they provide capacity building support? It might seem a no-brainer: ‘Give us the money’, as Bob Geldof famously said. But every time I’ve reviewed a funding programme, the call from charities has been...

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Punk it up! Inside the new studio

One of the motivations behind our new strategy was to give me more time and space for creativity, writing and design. I also wanted to be in the office on days off without it feeling like 'work'. So over Easter my office became - a studio! I've got no DIY skills, so...

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Collective capacity building – taking action together

Action Together are an infrastructure organisation with a belief in the power of collective activity. By investing in local capacity, they actively enhance the sustainability of the sector they serve. In Rochdale, this included working with us to provide support for...

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Steering the Ship with Cumbria CVS

A guest blog from Gordon Henry, Cumbria CVS. For many in the not-for-profit sector in Cumbria the last 10 years have been difficult to navigate through. The excitement of working together to “do things differently and to do different things” creates opportunities but...

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Sharing learning, building capacity

As one of the best-known funders in Scotland, Corra Foundation’s mission is to make a difference to the lives of people and communities, by encouraging positive change, opportunities, fairness and growth of aspirations. As part of their work, Corra Foundation...

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Increase your capacity – build other people’s

We all know the question. ‘How will you sustain your project’s impact when the funding stops?’ Interestingly, although many funders ask it, most don’t know why. I know, because I’ve asked over 50 of them, one to one or in workshops. Mostly, it seems they ask it...

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The journey starts with a commitment

Carers Link East Dunbartonshire are faced with a challenge that so many charities can relate to: when you’re full to capacity, how do you make the space to focus on long-term sustainability? It hasn’t been for the want of trying; the team have attended Lasting...

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Invest in capacity

Update: applications are now closed for this year's action learning programmes. These are special six-month leadership and organisational development opportunities. Developed by the Lasting Difference team, the programmes offer you protected time and space to:...

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Building capacity in Befriending Networks

This case study, written for us by outgoing CEO Sarah Van Putten, shares valuable lessons in how a membership organisation can develop the capacity of its members. Befriending Networks are the national intermediary supporting almost 400 befriending...

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Same storm, different boats

Case study: Sustainable mental health for all The pandemic has had a negative impact on the mental health of people all over the country. But people who already experience inequality have been far more adversely affected. That’s why Mental Health Foundation have...

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Shelter Scotland’s commitment to change

Shelter Scotland have become our latest Symbol Holders, demonstrating commitment to the key Lasting Difference capabilities below. Impact measurement Developing an outcomes framework across the organisation has created a structure for measuring performance against...

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There’s nothing comic about dyslexia

  Dyslexia Scotland might be a small organisation, but it is made up of incredible people – and not just its paid staff. By working with changemakers, the organisation’s new strategy (which we wrote about in a recent newsletter) extends the charity’s reach and...

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With sustainability in mind

Health in Mind is the latest organisation to be awarded the Lasting Difference Symbol, recognising its commitment to sustainability. The charity is one of Scotland’s best-known and trusted mental health organisations. Since 1982, the organisation has been promoting...

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Focusing on the core: Sacro awarded the Symbol.

We’re delighted to welcome Sacro as the latest member of our Lasting Difference Symbol Holders’ network. Sacro provide support for people in and leaving the criminal justice sector, for vulnerable people who are victims of crime, for people affected by homelessness...

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Our Octopus Teachers

This month, we were thrilled by CLAN's creative adaptation of the Octopus Paradox into an engaging activity for a team day. "We had lots of fun and laughs with Octopussy 🐙 to demonstrate what sustainability means to us, in line with our 3 year strategy." Read more...

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